kim+michael | st. francis in the woods

this blog post is about my last 2009 wedding! i met kim at the brock house show, and when she said that the church they were getting married in was going to be tiny and quaint … she wasn’t kidding! it was a warm and cozy church snugly filled with so much love from family and friends of the two happy couple.

as some weddings do, this one started late, which typically doesn’t worry me too much. except this was on december 19th … two days away from the shortest day of the year! we zipped out real quick to catch the quickly disappearing light. whilst i powered through portraits, awesome tracey heppner captured amazing detail shots of the bouquets – thanks so much, tracey! you rawk!

thank you to kim+michael for sharing their magical christmas wedding with me! i wish you both so much love+happiness!